Source code for edges_analysis.calibration.s11

"""Corrections for S11 measurements."""

from __future__ import annotations

import attr
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from edges_cal import modelling as mdl
from edges_cal import types as tp
from edges_cal.s11 import (
from import FrequencyRange
from hickleable import hickleable
from typing import Sequence

[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class AntennaS11(LoadS11): _complex_model_type_default = mdl.ComplexRealImagModel _default_nterms = 10 _model_type_default = mdl.Polynomial model_delay: tp.Time = attr.ib(170 * u.ns)
[docs] @classmethod def from_s1p_files( cls, files: Sequence[tp.PathLike], internal_switch: InternalSwitch, f_low: float = 0 * u.MHz, f_high: float = np.inf * u.MHz, **kwargs, ) -> AntennaS11: """Generate from a list of four S1P files.""" files = sorted(files) assert len(files) == 4 standards = StandardsReadings( *[VNAReading.from_s1p(fl, f_low=f_low, f_high=f_high) for fl in files[:3]] ) external = VNAReading.from_s1p(files[-1], f_low=f_low, f_high=f_high) # Note that here the load_s11 = ( LoadPlusSwitchS11( standards=standards, external_match=external, load_name="antenna", ), ) return cls.from_load_and_internal_switch( load_s11=load_s11, internal_switch=internal_switch, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def from_single_file( cls, path, internal_switch: InternalSwitch, f_low: float = 0 * u.MHz, f_high: float = np.inf * u.MHz, **kwargs, ): """Generate from a single pre-calibrated file.""" if path.endswith(".csv"): delimiter = "," else: delimiter = " " f_orig, gamma_real, gamma_imag = np.loadtxt( path, skiprows=1, delimiter=delimiter, unpack=True, comments=["BEGIN", "END", "#"], ) return cls( raw_s11=gamma_real + 1j * gamma_imag, freq=FrequencyRange(f_orig * u.Hz, f_low=f_low, f_high=f_high), internal_switch=internal_switch, **kwargs, )