
edges_analysis.sky_models.HI4PI(min_nside=1, max_nside=1267650600228229401496703205376)[source]

The HI4PI all-sky map.

The HI 4-PI Survey (HI4PI) is a 21-cm all-sky survey of neutral atomic hydrogen. It is constructed from the Effelsberg Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS), made with the 100-m radio telescope at Effelsberg/Germany, and the Galactic All-Sky Survey (GASS), observed with the Parkes 64-m dish in Australia. HI4PI comprises HI line emission from the Milky Way. This dataset is the atomic neutral hydrogen (HI) column density map derived from HI4PI (\(|vLSR|< 600\) km/s).