
edges_analysis.sky_models.PlanckCO(min_nside=1, max_nside=1267650600228229401496703205376)[source]

The Planck CO all-sky map.

Planck All Sky Maps are in HEALPix format, with Nside 2048, in Galactic coordinates and nested ordering. The signal is given in units of Kcmb for 30-353 GHz. Unpolarized maps contain 3 planes, labeled I_Stokes (intensity), Hits (hit count), and II_cov (variance of I_Stokes). Polarized maps contain 10 planes, labeled I_Stokes (intensity), Q_Stokes and U_Stokes (linear polarization), Hits (hit count), II_cov, QQ_cov, and UU_cov (variance of each of the Stokes parameters), and IQ_cov, IU_cov, and QU_cov (covariances between the Stokes parameters).