
class edges_analysis.sky_models.SkyModel(*, frequency, temperature, coords: SkyCoord, name: str = 'SkyModel', healpix: HEALPix | None = None, pixel_res: float | ndarray = _Nothing.NOTHING)[source]

A simple diffuse unpolarized sky model at a single frequency.

This is simpler than pyradiosky’s SkyModel class in that it doesn’t deal with polarizations, assumes a single frequency, and doesn’t know intrinsically about the time of observation etc.

  • frequency (float) – The frequency of the sky model in Hz.

  • temperature (numpy.ndarray) – The temperature of the sky model in K, shape (Nsky,).

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate.SkyCoord) – The coordinates of the sky model, shape (Nsky,).

  • name (str) – The name of the sky model.

  • healpix (astropy_healpix.high_level.HEALPix | None) – An astropy-healpix HEALPix object describing the pixelization of the sky model, if applicable.

  • pixel_res (float | numpy.ndarray) – The solid angle of each pixel in the sky model, in steradians. If a float, this is assumed to be the same for all pixels. If an array, it must have the same shape as temperature. The mean temperature of the sky is assumed to be the sum of the temperature array multiplied by the pixel_res array, divided by the sum of the pixel_res array.


__init__(*, frequency, temperature, coords)

Method generated by attrs for class SkyModel.

at_freq(freq[, index_model])

Generate the sky model at a new set of frequencies.

from_lambda(url, frequency[, max_nside, ...])

Load a sky model from the LAMBDA website.

from_latlon_grid_file(fname, frequency[, ...])

Load a sky model from a lat-lon grid file.






